Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Legendary Sports Cars Honda Houses Limited, only Rp 8 Billion

Tokyo - Honda released information on their latest legendary sports car, the NSX, the official website of the company. The car was first introduced in 1990, will go on sale in Japan on August 25.

Interestingly, as reported responsejp.com, the new NSX will only be sold at 133 dealers in 43 prefectures (equivalent to provinces) throughout Japan. That means there are four prefecture who did not get to sell this car.

This particular dealer named NSX Performance Dealers. In addition to selling, this dealer has special authority to perform service. Because the existing technicians at dealerships have been recognized as a specialist NSX.

"NSX engineers provide high quality services through specialized technical training," said Sales Planning Division office Honda Center.

To note, the cars sold in the United States (US) to label this Acura has a body lighter than the previous version. Under the hood, holding NSX new twin turbo V6 engine and three motorcycles.

Formulation of a hybrid between a gasoline engine and electric motor is called Sport Hybrid SH-AWD (super handling-all wheel drive).

Not explained how the price of this car. But in February Acura NSX was sold for US $ 1.2 million, or approximately USD 15.7 billion. However, it should be noted that this price is the price of the auction. The highest price in the US is US $ 205.7 thousand.

Rumors earlier, the first ASEAN market will receive the Honda NSX is Singapore. Price is estimated at 888.9 thousand Singapore dollars, or approximately USD 8.6 billion. This does not include a certificate of entitlement and other taxes.

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