Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Exhaust Emission BBG Better Than Fuel

Indonesia's automotive industry today still rely on fuel oil (BBM). Though Indonesia has a great potential to use other kinds of fuel, such as gas.

In general, for vehicles typically use gas types compressed natural gas (CNG), while liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) used for household needs.

Unfortunately, most people do not understand and distinguish the two types of gas. The gas is generally classified in one form.

"Talk CNG in Indonesia, most people tahunya BBG (fuel gas). Because it is called fuel gas people so much that ketukar between a fuel gas in households (LPG) with those used today for vehicles (CNG). If the overseas has been distinguished, "said Chairman of the Indonesian Employers Association CNG Robbi R. Sukardi in 2016 GIIAS arena.

According to him, the consequences of this misconception so many people are afraid because the tubes are found 3 kilograms of many that exploded. "Of course this is a challenge for us working in this field. The challenge provides socialization CNG educate society what it is," he added.

More Robbi said that natural gas in Indonesia are very abundant even more than fuel. "That is rather funny if we are actually exporting not use it," he said.

He said the use of BBG make exhaust emissions cleaner than gasoline. It was due to lower CO2 BBG. "If there is a test car emissions, gas is definitely qualify. So we already do not need to talk Euro 2 and Euro 3 because it's been more than Euro 4," he said.

Another challenge that must be done so that the use of gas in vehicles can run is to provide the infrastructure and also its kit converter device.

"If possible, manufacturers want to produce directly. Meanwhile, there is no can use the tools available in the market," he explained.

One of the CNG kit converters available on the market is Autogas. Converter kit and the cylinder international security standard ISO 11 439 or ECE R110. Mentioned, almost all cars can apply this converter kit.

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