Monday, August 22, 2016

Get ready, Mazda Got Another surprise for Engineering Technology

Although it already has a SKYACTIV technology that has been recognized by various parties, PT Mazda Motor Indonesia (MMI) was still save a variety of other technologies that will be developed.

"SKYACTIV technology today that has been used Mazda CX-5, Mazda2, Mazda6, the Biante and of course also in special display today CX-3 it is SKYACTIV technology that is just the beginning, we continue to develop strategies and technologies that will help toachieve environmentally friendly, "said Senior Marketing Manager of PT Mazda Motor Indonesia (MMI) Astrid Ariani Wijana, when GIIAS, ICE BSD, Tangerang.

However, the Mazda does not plan to bring in a car-based electricity and hybrid to Indonesia due to the lack of clarity on the rules.

"Technology as electric or hybrid will be a lot of regulation that the term external factors that are barriers to the use of technology in bulk, in Indonesia it self has no special rules regarding hybrid technology and electric power so that the user 2 becomes not optimal,"he said.

In fact, when compared with other countries, cars with electric or hybrid technology has been strongly supported by the government.

"If the Japanese, Hybrid very welcome and had various regulations that practically allows the progress of sales of cars of this hybrid technology, is currently the focus Mazda SKYACTIV technology and continue to develop also assisted several other technologies,"he said.

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