Monday, August 22, 2016

Dutch Student Electric Motor Test Around the World

Eindhoven - The group of students from the Eindhoven University of Technology intends tocarry out the challenge, namely around the world using its own electric motorcycle design.They target to carry out the trip in just 80 days.

Quoted Motor1, this journey started since August 14 last, they traveled using vehicles called Wave. The delegation began the journey from Eindhoven to Munich, Germany accompanied by pemotor and cheering fans along the route.

They do not have to worry about the source of electrical energy, because charging can take advantage of the local power grid to prove the superiority of electric vehicles. This triponce wanted to prove the toughness of electric motorcycles.

However, problems arise in the Wave when on the freeway. The electric motor is having problems on the inverter so it takes time to diagnose and repair.

This damage makes Wave behind schedule that had been expected when arriving in Munich. However, these obstacles do not make the team members discouraged in the long journey around the world.

"I still do not believe that we actually start and lead this time. I am so curious, excited andnervous to see what happens tomorrow, the adventure has just begun," said one team member, Yuri Steinbuch.

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